A Quick Guide On Compression Tube Fittings

Two ferrule compression tube fittings are specifically designed for a large number of industrial purposes. These fittings are usually manufactured of high-grade metals like brass, copper, aluminum, and iron. Compression fittings are really useful both on an industrial basis as well as domestic purposes. These fittings are available in different shapes and sizes for different purposes. It mainly consists of four parts which include a body, nut, back ferrule, and front ferrule.

The working pressure of the fittings is very high. Seeing as it is constantly put through very regular flow in the system, the fittings need to be extra strong to go through a lifetime. This means that they can handle working pressure up to 800 Bar. This corresponds to around 11,600 psi, or pounds per square inch. There are 3 series available, which are the S, L, and LL series. S series fitting can work pressure between 315 to 630 bars. L series fitting can work at 160 bar or 315 bar pressure. It is subject to outer diameter size. The lowest pressure is 100 bars, which is available for the LL series only.

Features of Compression Tube Fittings

  • Absolutely leak- and gas-tight
  • Highly resistant to vibration, chemicals, corrosion, high pressures, and high temperatures
  • Easy to install, and easily disassembled
  • Reusable multiple times

These characteristics lead to an increased life span of your equipment, as well as a cost reduction. Not only because of their durability but also because the metal tube connectors can be used again and again.

Application of Compression Tube Fittings

Compression Tube Fittings and material specifications are application-dependent; consulting the fitting supplier is typically a wise route for optimizing component selection. However, most tube fittings correspond to either hydraulic or pneumatic systems. The basic system type is the first step to determining the type of fittings right for the application.

  • Hydraulic applications involve the transfer of liquid fluids such as water and other chemical solvents. Hydraulic fittings must have seals that prevent the leakage of liquid and often be resistant to rust or other possible chemical corrosion.
  • Pneumatic applications involve the transfer of gases. Pneumatic fittings must have very tight seals to prevent gas leakage and must be resistant to chemical corrosion.
  • Other applications such as structural design also incorporate tube fittings. These fittings must have strong physical integrity but typically do not require sealing because they do not carry fluids.
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A Quick Guide On Compression Tube Fittings

by Super Piping Solutions time to read: 2 min